Category Archives: Gardening

Sprouting Cucumber Plants

These were planted May 23rd and have sprouted!  =)  They are growing wonderfully.  I cannot wait to see how they turn out.  They will take about 80 days to mature.  I am curious though, with this “back to eden” garden method, if the plants will grow faster.  Stay tuned to see the finished product! =) More pics to come!

Tomato Plants


As you can tell my tomato plants are growing to new heights.  I have wanted to transplant them for some time, but, as you know, the weather this spring has been a bit bizarre.  There have been late frosts and colder nights.  So much so that I decided to wait and transplant them when this weather passes.  They are going healthy and strong now.  When we get our next section of garden started, I will transplant them and watch how well they do….  

More updates on the Loper garden coming soon!